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Feathers 2011.

This book is digitally printed on Fabriano 50% rag watercolor paper. The artwork includes, dry point etching, watercolor on Chinese calligraphy paper and lotka paper puppets, except in the case of the puppet made out of bark and collage. This book is a quick look at two different processes of change; evolution, which is a slow, natural, and random process and Fashion, which is cultural very fast and an individually or collectively driven process. Feathers are a common ground in both fashion and evolution. They are present in our everyday metaphors where a bird's plumage is referred to as clothing and visa versa. Feathers still are a component in many fashion statements today, especially in Las Vegas. Almost all religions on our planet have a messenger to the gods that has the ability to fly, Yet the average person knows very little about how feathers grow and all of the functions they perform. How did flight evolve? There are two contrasting viewpoints; the ground uppers and the tree downers; which one are you?


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